Parent Council
The Parent Council seeks to involve parents in a supportive role in various aspects of the school. The Parent Council provides a forum enabling parents to give their input. Volunteers assist in the school, organize public relations, coordinate fundraising activities, assist with co-curricular activities and provide opportunities for parent education. Grade Representatives act as liaison between the parents/teachers and the Parent Council. All parents are encouraged to attend and participate in the monthly council meetings.
Grade Representatives shall consist of (2) parents per classroom. Duties to include but not limited to:
Attend all Parent council Meetings
Liaison between parents, teacher and Parent Council
Encourage classroom participation in areas of fund-raising following the guidelines set forth by the Parent Council and the Ways and Means Committee. Events shall include but not limited to the Spell-a-thon, Gala, Bocce Ball Tournament, etc.
Assist teacher and Room Parents with volunteering regarding field trips, special projects, lunch (yard) duty, classroom aide, etc.
Attend community building and fundraising events
All meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month at 9:00 a.m. via zoom. See the school calendar for meeting dates. Email Parent Council President, Charlie Tanner, for a link to the meetings.